Sunday, February 9, 2014

4 th day @ Sieben Linden

quik update: 

Like all things, my experience at the ecoVillage of Sieben Linden is different than it was the last two visits.  This time I got insights into the complexities of running + managing an ecoVillage from one of its founders... who is shortly moving on after 25+ years.  Also the financial side is clearer to me now along with the complexities of running an ecoVillage on money rather than shared labor.  Quite different than the egalitarian model (Twin Oaks, Dancing Rabbit...)

I have very limited access to internet here... it's really not appropriate to be sitting at a computer while living here... they don't allow cell phones, have no wifi, etc.  all the EMF's are strictly minimized here.  


The community building + introduction exercises here are some of the best ones I've ever experienced (i've gone through and done dozens myself).

An exercise today about drawing your own lifeline on a large poster sized paper and then taking 2 other people through it over 10 minutes really instills a deeper understanding of a person's journey of how they got to this point in time.  Maybe it's the german methodology and communication style - but this exercise really bonded us as a group more and created empathy and metta (loving kindness + compassion). 

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